It’s a dark, dark day for… everything.

Today I feel like I can touch the sky. I mean literally, the clouds are so low I think my hand will disappear into mist if I stick my arm up. Today is one of those days where I find it hard to believe the sun even came up. The sun *allegedly* rose at about 8:03 and it’s going to set at about 4:41 this afternoon. But, as I sit here at 1:15 p.m., I see buildings lit up and street lights on. Like it often does in Vancouver, it’s raining sideways, so my office window is wet. Usually I’d be counting the days until summer right now, because that’s what I do after New Years, but right now in Vancouver we’re all counting down to the Olympics. Four weeks from tomorrow, let the games begin! And starting… uh… tomorrow… let the road closures begin!

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